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I know I look 15 but I'm really not, I'm 20!


What's up everyone?

I hope your all gravy! Anyways...this site all about.....ME so get going, go read my poems and check out my pics and read up on my point of views! Life is for us to live it not just day to day but to the extream!
If you ask someone to stop stoping....wouldnt that mean that they also needed not to listen to you since that meant that they would be stoping? If your soul has a begining but no end doesnt that mean that energy and matter was created...which acording to theory is not posible? And if that true, than dont you think its a little sad, we never end we dont just disapear we go on forever...that seem like too long but yet again its also sad to just die off. So then are we afraid of death because it eternal life or because it might be eternal end? If noone is in the forest to hear the tree fall did it make a sound...well we can just put a tape recorder around instead and find out...y is this such a mistery? If someone actualy made a time macine and went back in time, then for eternaty that would be happening over and over again...but if that true doesnt that also mean that that person would also die eternaly...but since death is only rebirth doesnt that mean that the soul would have replicas of it self comin in all the time and there would be an infinaty of souls of that person?

Random thoughts....

Love is but a rose, blooming grandly and giving to all immense passion, each petal falls giving its self up for the next bud under that is to grow a flurish just as this one has, and the chain is never broken unless something wicked comes along...and then you must watch out for the thorns that are thirsty for blood.
