
My Writing or Artwork

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If  a man wants to have a lady then he must be a true gentleman, so for the men out there looking for the right woman take the advice from a lady: open doors, pull out chairs, buy flowers, stand when she stands...and gentlemen if a lady does not expect this of you then she is not a lady....think about it it works :) :: wink wink::

I wrote this for my husband!
A sea of emotion
Rests in your eyes
A tranquil song
Rests in your voice
A strong serge of power
Rests in your hands
A life full of passion
Rests in your veins
A soul rich with love
Rests in your heart.
An Obedient servant
Rests in your company

My King



I walked into a crowded room full of people that I knew, but knew me not,

I sat upon a cold chair looking longingly in to the crowd,

Searching endlessly for an eye that would look unto me,


The thought of all the hearts that beat and all the smiles fake in envy,

Shivered down my spine like fresh needles to untested blood.

I wanted but to sit in peace as my eyes reflected timid tears.

There was a man, I saw him, standing within but standing out,

Wore his pride on his shoulder and his heart well kept.

His gentle eyes told stories only ears wish of at night,

His perfect lips of passion-red called out in smiles.

My heart skipped a beat and then another

His voice consumed every crevasse of my soul.

I could only dream of tender hands and his kind embrace

The world paused, it seamed, for him.

My mind forgot for moments of all misery and crime

Only the delight flavor of his gorges body engraved my thoughts.

Like petals falling from the last flower before fall

My heart sank into the depths of my being.

He felt it too he said.

He thought of me a Princess

I thought of him a King

He let me see what others dreamed of

And taught me that hearts mend with hope.

With every minute spent in his arms

That held me tight and kept me safe

I melted more into him

Wanted nothing more than to be his

To please his every wish

If he would just let me sit by his side.

The color of his hair was dark like the mystery behind his person

Luring me into his soul and trapping me in his everlasting love.

I could never show him how much I love him

How I'm lifted to the heavens every time he kisses my lips

Not worthy of his adoring flawless body

Or his soul or heart

I can but thank him for a touch of almost forbidden love.


I wish we could rule the universe from a mountain top together,
I wish I could give you a majestic silver castle in the sky,
I wish there was a way that I could save you all the heart ache,
I wish I could kiss you when ever you needed me, far or near,
I wish I didnt hurt you even if I dont mean to,
I wish I could heal your pain and wipe away the tears,
I wish that my love could make you happier than it does.
I love you,
From here to the last star in the heavens!

Angels have stopped singing
My smile is rapidly fading
I call upon my breavery
To be let down and drown in bloody tears.
I am introduced to pain
In the most beautiful way
I can feel my body falling
From my endless life of repetition
What everyone sees
What I used to be
Is fading fast
And my fears crawl through my vains
Caressing my open wounds.

Im bored very bored very very very bored..im at school in my web desing class....and i finished all my work already so yeah. Life is good m boyfriends is great and i love him very much..yes yes i have a boyfriend even after all that crap that happend...soooooo yeah.ok im gana go now cause the bell is ganna ring.

I saw my soul

It was ashy gray

The reflection of so much sorrow

I saw my blood shot eyes

And felt the pain of each tear that fell

Betrayed, forgotten, abused.

All I was, all Ill be

A slave brought up to bow down

No more I cant do this anymore

I need my soul

Give it back

Why do you do this?

The same heart that tried so hard

To help you to stay true, is being torn

And stabbed by your cruelty

My veins burst with anger

My fingers clench with pain

My heart explodes with frustration

My tears turn to blood

Please stop

I give up

Just have your way

Torture me with your laughs

I bleed for you, For You!

Do you deserve my love?

Do I?

Where will your words be

When you are in need?

When you cant get up?

Treat me like I am nothing

And that is what will become of me.

I slowly disappear from your lives

I disinagrate from your hate and hypocrisy

And I am alone again

Only to have someone gain my trust

So they can spit on my mending heart again

Oh no, there I go

Darn you missed me

I almost made it

But now Im dead

Its all your fault, my blood is on your hands

But still I blame myself

I hope you are happy

After all

That is what I was born for right?

To make you happy

                                              Even in death you take my freedom.





There are dances of bloody tears,

They speak for me,

Voices all around my bowed head,

Not a soul to care for my scars,

I cannot get up from this place,

It is my cage, where I am trapped,

For all the world to view,
pointing their fingers,

Judging me, ignoring me, throwing me away.

I am their unwanted; I am their twig for burning.

My dawn has come, my hopes once shattered,

But I am called, my name almost forgotten,

My heart pounds again, so close to my unnoticed end,

But it has found a reason to live,

And I feel someones embrace,

A gentle touch, I lift my head after all the tears have past,

Are you here for me?,

You must be mistaken kind sir,

I am unworthy of your love,

Why would you be here for me?

Is this my long awaited dream,

I feel my last breath come back to me,

While you take me away, away from my longing,

This is too good to be true, I am so afraid of it ending,

You will not leave me, will you.

Ive been all by myself for so long,

But you came and showed me delight,

You have healed my open wounds,

Thank you my love, my savior, my protector.


yeah so that one soooo not that good..but i havent writen in like for ever so i need to get back into my world lol ok so yeah there it is..but i dont know what to name it..so if u have ne ideas then email um to me:)

Art is a piture of someones thoughts of the world...

Its so wierd to love someone so much and think of them always.Its even wierder when they love you too but tell you its not ganna workout or im not ready or theres someone else or even i love you but were not right right now.
Its so hard so to say goodbye to someone youve known for so long...someone youve held on to for years..someone you once trusted with you life.Not  knowing where to begin and even if you can begin. Not getting them out of your head.A constant picture of what youve lost..so beautiful ,gone,slipped through ur finger tips..its hard not to think its your fault no matter how much you know its not true.A extra stab in the heart is when you stay friends with them and they insist on telling you how much fun theyre having and how much they love the other you the one who has all rights now. Calling you about that trip and what they did and how they did it and who was there, you joke acordingly just enough so they dont know ur crying...when you can no longer bleed on the outside when your blood turns black with untrusting, undivoted and tortured love, how do you not cry every night how do you sleep without nightmares noone would ever understand...how do you smile and wish you wouldnt?Isnt wierd how much  you can love one person and how they can hurt you no matter how much they love you...its not like they meant it its just the way it is right? after all thats life...well what if you dont want life what if you think and dream of suicide, or just a few cuts to watch your blood trickle down to make sure its still red, is that normal?.... dreams, wishes, promises...lies.


I fall I cry,
I shatter,
See me lie,
I am the screamer,

The Things they say,
Hurt even the dawns of day,
But what about me, my mind,
My mysery, It makes me blind.

I can sit in a room with all the people I love,
And stare at each of them, but all they'll do shove me away
Forever wishing to go away,
Somewhere where a kind soul may lay.

How I wish some one,
Wouldn't just use me,
Abuse me,
Then through me away when they're done.

On my knees,
I call out to the people but I am not heard,
Ever, or noticed and,
I am the screamer!

Mount Ranier

A cry

Life, my bottomless pit,

Yet so difficult to describe it.

Its like a bullet,

A place I wish I could forget.

A mustard stain,

A heavy attached chain,

Dragging behind miserably,

Never to be spoken about freely.

Always being put down,

Slowly becoming unknown,

A person they know out there,

But so many worlds I live in, all unfair.

So confused and my mind races,

Craving for a hand that caresses,

Wanting to just be held,

To shed a flow of tears long withheld.

To feel the love of someones arms around me,

To know theyre there to comfort me.

Trusting no one,

Told too many lies undone.

Left alone too many times,

Ive known too many dark times.

I long not to be used,

I long to be able to choose.

Far away from this place I go,

For only a while, And then I awake and put on my show,

To live my life again in this gallery,

To be bought or sold in slavery.



Mind , Body and Soul.

My tongue rolled forth,

Told stories and memories,

Few listened and those who did,

Soon became enemies of the heart.

I trusted no one, not flesh and blood,

No stranger unseen.

Then you came waltzing in my life

Stuck by while I pushed away,

Loved even if I did not.

You showed my soul the glories of heaven.

I was saved from the bloody hands of death.

There was bliss in my mind,

So much that I never knew, you gave.

We grew stronger even if we were apart.

My eyes waited to see your splendor,

Your heart waited for mine to recall

The trapped love only you knew about.

Promises were made,

Wishes were dreamed,

And then granted later, not never.

I trusted you,

In my eyes you were of angelic divinity.

Then when all was magnificent,

I gave myself to you,

Mind, Body and Soul.